Fortis Flipper

It all started with Fortis in the 60’s.

“Plastic Watches”


Respect! Fortis rules!

Why is there no Fortis badge on WatchCrunch? Or is it just me not finding it?


That red and black one is awesome.


Respect! Fortis rules!

Why is there no Fortis badge on WatchCrunch? Or is it just me not finding it?

I do not know, how can I request for that?


Respect! Fortis rules!

Why is there no Fortis badge on WatchCrunch? Or is it just me not finding it?

I already wrote WC to add a fortis badge... hope to see it soon


Didn't knew the Flipper jet. Nice one.


Ah yes, the ever versatile 200m pulsations model for action oriented marine biologists...


I want that black Fortis! Found yellow and red on ebay but not the others


They were called Flipper because it comes with multiple bezels that you can switch to, i believe