Help identifying a watch

Hi crunchers, my brother-in-law inherited this watch (J W Benson, London) but doesn’t know anything about it. He's not expecting it to be valuable but wondered about the brand and if it was worth repairing the crystal. Does anyone have any knowledge of this?

Thanks in advance.


They used to make Pocket watches I found this on the internet


Being quartz, skip to the last line

J. W. Benson Ltd continued until 1973 at which time the name was sold to the royal jewellers, Garrards.

Which may or may not mean anything to you. I've had crystals replaced for $10-$15. It's not a major procedure and it's the easiest way to rejuvenate appearance.


They used to make Pocket watches I found this on the internet


Thank you, that's really helpful. 😁


Being quartz, skip to the last line

J. W. Benson Ltd continued until 1973 at which time the name was sold to the royal jewellers, Garrards.

Which may or may not mean anything to you. I've had crystals replaced for $10-$15. It's not a major procedure and it's the easiest way to rejuvenate appearance.

Thank you, a very interesting history. 😁