Spinnaker Whale sanctuary Orca limited edition. The loom on this beauty is so much fun. The tail on the secondshand is such a nice detail. Very happy with this addition to my collection.

Very chunky watch on my Dialdiva wrist I must say.


Brilliant, that dial 👌


Super 😎...🦈


Awesome lume!! 🔥🔥


That lume IS fun! But I can’t support anything Orca—they are the root cause of my personal fear of open ocean. Just kidding! But seriously though—they should be called whale killers, not Killer Whales.

Anywho, killer watch… EH?!

I’ll see myself out.


That lume IS fun! But I can’t support anything Orca—they are the root cause of my personal fear of open ocean. Just kidding! But seriously though—they should be called whale killers, not Killer Whales.

Anywho, killer watch… EH?!

I’ll see myself out.

Whaaahahahaaaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Outstanding 💯