Some old watches my grand parents keep around. What are these?

My grandparents showed me these today. The 2 little ones are gifts for my mom and aunt that they recieved for their communion. Ive never heard of the brand before on them and I have some trouble reading them as well. have never heard of Prisma either. Im not too worried about the 4th one, the quartz as I also dont recognize the logo. Does anyone here perhaps know more? 


A simple Google search will tell you about Prisma, especially since, well, it is a Dutch brand and you seem to be based in the Netherlands. They are an old brand with ties to at least four countries.

I have seen the "M", but can't place it.  "Ancre" means lever, which may be a brand (French) or may just describe the escapement. I can't find "Pamio" or whatever that last one says.