App plans?

Web access is a speed bump, but when asked to check email for a security code to access is preventing frequent use of this site.

Any app plans?  Is there a search feature? Thank you.


An app would be good as would dark mode... but it's all good as it is


An app would be good as would dark mode... but it's all good as it is

dark mode is a big plus. every site should have this option imo.


It may happen at some point but as I say the forum is good and very interesting 


A bit of time with the site and it is enjoyable. The people and interactions are wht will make the difference it appears.

Cool place. 


+1 for app, I’ve joined 15mins ago and was the first thing I looked for as most of my photos are on my phone not desktop.

For the time being anyhow, you can “pin” websites to your homepage and basically imitate the convenience of an app.

Looking forward to giving this forum a real run! 


if a mobile app gets developed....the watchcrunch community would explode exponentially..


+1 to an app. If it happens,  pls don't forget us lowly android users.