My current state of collection

Most of them are original exept some copies

I bought new watch box and I want to show you guys


The downside of a watch box is the closed lid. What you don't see can be forgotten about. I built mine with a glass door to see them all. "Out of sight, out of mind" . Nice looking box though, congrats


The downside of a watch box is the closed lid. What you don't see can be forgotten about. I built mine with a glass door to see them all. "Out of sight, out of mind" . Nice looking box though, congrats

After researching the pros and cons of both glass and non-glass versions, I decided to purchase the one without glass due to concerns about the glass may get broken and the possibility of the leather material surrounding the glass becoming loose over time. Then I decided to go for the non glass one brother🤍 But I never seen the glass one though


Great collection.👍