
Does watch desire ever end???


No, it is a crazed addiction and we should all be locked up to save us from ourselves 🤣


LMAO 😂 I think for most people they’re not working to support their addiction of watches rather for me I let my watch addiction motivate me to increase my income, so I have more expendable income to spend on them, while also more importantly increasing my financial future at the same time. Let’s just call it my carrot on the stick which ends up, benefiting me in moving towards financial Freedom. Ya know?


No.... but I think you can wrap some guard rails around it, and work on disciplining yourself. I think budgeting helps a lot. Give yourself a $$$ amount for the year, and do you best to stick to it. WA (Watchaholics Anonymous ) meets twice a week at your local shelter. See you there 🙂


Daft question...🤣👍👍