

Very nice! I’ve not heard of the brand


Very nice! I’ve not heard of the brand

Legacy French military brand recently resurfaced.


Very very nice Cris💚


Love it with #beadsofrice bracelet!


Hi Chris can you please share some utilities of the bezels that are inside? Very interesting 🧐 looking dial for sure 😊


New to me however the watch looks fantastic Cris. Green and beads of rice 🔥.


Hi Chris can you please share some utilities of the bezels that are inside? Very interesting 🧐 looking dial for sure 😊

Oh god I was worrying someone would ask this! 😂. Essentially it’s an old fashioned slide rule, but in circular form. You can do multiplication and division…if you know how to use it. Slide rules were made obsolete when calculators were invented.

Here’s a tutorial:


Oh god I was worrying someone would ask this! 😂. Essentially it’s an old fashioned slide rule, but in circular form. You can do multiplication and division…if you know how to use it. Slide rules were made obsolete when calculators were invented.

Here’s a tutorial:

Need to go through the video in detail.