perfect gift from my sister

traveling secured ๐Ÿ™‚


Beautiful roll๐Ÿ˜


Im interested if there are any price attactive boxes for traveling. I see a lot like you have from several influencers and i just cant get along with the pricing. Please teach me if im wrong but imo these boxes for 1-5 watches are much overpriced. ๐Ÿค”


Nice roll! Let me know how it holds up during travels. I currently use Everest, which is overpriced but hold up nicely the few times I used it to travel.


Im interested if there are any price attactive boxes for traveling. I see a lot like you have from several influencers and i just cant get along with the pricing. Please teach me if im wrong but imo these boxes for 1-5 watches are much overpriced. ๐Ÿค”

dont care about the price if the product is perfect for me


My girlfriend gifted to me a 2-watch roll from that exact brand for Christmas in 2022. Itโ€™s held great during my travels in 2023 although I always carry it wrapped in the protective bag for extra performance. The pillows are a bit stiff but theyโ€™ll give in with time and usage. Enjoy it and travel safe!


thats a lonely watch. needs two companions.


there back home. it is crowded company already..