Mixed Feelings

I have mixed feelings about this watch. It was the first one I bought when I got into this hobby and I really didn’t know what I was doing. Overall, I’m not a fan of Sturling watches! However, this one keeps good time, claims to have a Swiss Movement, and the battery lasts FOREVER!! What are your experiences with this brand??


I was having a similar conversation with my wife yesterday about the education and evolution of a new collector. Experience only comes with doing so my wish that I'd been more picky is magical thinking based on what I know now. I don't love all the pieces I bought along the way but I'm doing better at being more selective. Hope your future acquisitions bring long term satisfaction.


We all do mistakes in our live. 😊

If I would had start in this time üeriod, I would propably also had ordered something similar.


I guessing that you liked the watch when you bought it. At the very least, you liked it enough to buy it. Did this hobby teach you certain brands are not worthy of being liked by a true enthusiast?


I guessing that you liked the watch when you bought it. At the very least, you liked it enough to buy it. Did this hobby teach you certain brands are not worthy of being liked by a true enthusiast?

No. Of course not. I’m referring specifically to this brand. Their designs don’t inspire me and their quality control seems hit or miss. However, this particular watch has been really good.


No. Of course not. I’m referring specifically to this brand. Their designs don’t inspire me and their quality control seems hit or miss. However, this particular watch has been really good.

Then your post is confusing to me. You open with a statement that you have mixed feelings about the watch. If it's a good watch, then why do you have mixed feelings about it? Is it simply because of the brand? Is your statement about QC based on personal experience with other Stuhrling Original watches that you didn't mention in your original post? If not, why did you make that statement?