Today’s Watch & Blade

The Baltic HMS 002 Silver with the CRKT Pilar sporting custom black micarta scale and jade G10 backspacer by Karbadize, a chunky Ti2Design brass lanyard bead and upgraded bronze washers for that smooth action. If a titanium frame lock side was available, I’d buy that too!

So what if I spent 3x the cost of the knife on upgrades. I’m a grown man and can spend my money on whatever my wife allows!


Hey man, you gotta customize how you like it or you’ll never be satisfied! Nice watch and knife combo!


How do you like the Pilar? I've got a squid and was kicking about whether to pick up one of these too.


How do you like the Pilar? I've got a squid and was kicking about whether to pick up one of these too.

They’re great little knives, especially if you can get one with an upgraded blade steel. 8Cr13Mov takes a good edge and is easy to sharpen but it doesn’t hold that edge very well. Every other part is completely customizable.

I actually have two more coming this week with copper scales that I’m going to put a forced ship wrecked patina on.


Nice combo 🔥


Nice watch & knife combo! Nice to see other knife guys / edc guys post on WC. Cheers 🍻