Apple Watch Series 3

I work out pretty regularly and I like to track my runs, hikes, and workouts. Pretty self-explanatory. But it has a pretty special place in my heart. It was about 3 or 4 hundred dollars at the time I bought it. Not extravagantly expensive but it was the first big luxury purchase I ever made for myself. I was In Missouri at the time and it was the first time I ever had a large amount of disposable income. The amount of work I did to get that, I thought I deserved a little something special. Maybe I’m due for a bit of an upgrade but honestly, it does everything I need it to do and it still does it accurately so I think I’m going to stick with this older one for a little while longer. If it’s not dying I’m not upgrading lol


I had the series 3 almost as long as you, finally had to upgrade to the 8. The 3 was getting very slow…


I had the series 3 almost as long as you, finally had to upgrade to the 8. The 3 was getting very slow…

If mine ever starts slowing down I’ll upgrade but no issues yet


I believe a good watch is not how much it costs you or how good it looks but what you had to do to get it and what you do with it.