What to lust for next?

I'm afflicted like many of us with constantly thinking/ looking/ lusting after all sorts of watches. Explorer? Yup. Tuna? Of course. Invicta 1953? You know it. SuperOcean? Yes, please. Et cetera, etc cetera, ad infinitum.

If only time and money were in infinite supply!

Currently kicking around my mind balls, I'd love to find a solar, no date, timing bezel, thin, titanium watch. I love goofy colors and fancy dials. I'm unlikely to ever spend over $1500 on a watch (who am I kidding, I'm unlikely to pass $900!), but don't feel they're absolutely unreal until they're past the $5000 mark.

What are your closest ideas to this? Anybody have a line on a no-date, titanium/ ceramic, solar, cherry blossom dial, 9mm thick, 47mm Tuna for a hundred bucks?


I love that the first reactions are laughter- THIS IS SO MUCH NICER THAN WUS!!!!!


I love that the first reactions are laughter- THIS IS SO MUCH NICER THAN WUS!!!!!

I think most of us enjoy a goofy watch


If I ever won a huge lottery( would be pretty amazing since I don’t buy tickets at all) I know 100% that I would stop without hesitation my watch hobby in one second. There would be be so many events to experience where money is essential but generally you don’t buy objects. That is my watch fantasy.