New Arrival! C63 Sealander (36mm)

My new C63 Sealander arrived 3 weeks earlier than promised. I had a bit of buyer‘s remorse after purchasing, but am super happy now that it has arrived. 




Yes, unfortunately, it does have screws on both sides. I had requested that they size it for me, but it was actually a bit tight upon arrival (was using max setting on micro adjust), so I added a half-link that was supplied. I have a set of small screwdrivers, so with a little bit of frustration I was able to manage.


Thanks! And I hope yours arrives soon! Although, the double headed screw was a bit annoying, I like the bracelet overall. I was a bit worried about the size of the clasp and the male end links, but everything fits well, I think. With my tiny wrists, this was the first time I ever had to ADD links, which was actually kind of nice for a change.


Really nice.  I love the triton on the second hand.  


I think the blue looks REALLY nice on the bracelet.