WatchCrunch improvement/dev thread

Hello Community,

I know WC app has been live for a while and likely many people use it. But as with any app at early stage there are bugs, potential improvements, new features that might be interesting for users.

Is there a dedicated thread, post where users can submit e.g. observed bugs/issues, ideas for new features, etc.? This is a great app so far, but there’s always a room for improvements.


Like the fact you can’t stay logged in & re log on is a PITA 2 factor?

Or that you can’t view the number/type of likes on a post in certain areas?


sometimes the post button is missing ony ios app


Or that the post button vanishes if you try to add an additional post to a thread?

Cutting & pasting requires confirmation?

This list goes on….


Big improvements and bug fixes coming to the app very soon. In the mean time mobile web should be stable for you. Bear with us 🙏

Best way to let us know about bugs and improvements is to email


Or that the post button vanishes if you try to add an additional post to a thread?

Cutting & pasting requires confirmation?

This list goes on….

Or that jump to the top only works inside thread…

Or the only way to cancel a submission is by leaving the thread entirely


Cool, didn’t know of it. Thanks for pointing out 🫡


Big improvements and bug fixes coming to the app very soon. In the mean time mobile web should be stable for you. Bear with us 🙏

Best way to let us know about bugs and improvements is to email

Thanks for reply, will do