catalog the collection

I would like to know how you catalog your collection. Do you know of any application or program where we can do this? a place where we could register all watches and their various data such as date of purchase, amount paid, battery when applicable, photos, etc.


I think there are a few. WatcheePro and Chrollector were mentioned yesterday, and are watch specific. I use "MyCollections" app as I catalogue other things too.


I use Chrono24 Watch Collection.


I have a "database" in Notion.


Because I forget everything I have all the data I know about a particular watch of mine. I record service times, battery changes, sizes, price. I try to maintain the labels for the items for eample if I want to find the ana-digi watches I just filter to that label. I also have an album in Google Photos for every watch.

It takes a lot of time to manage it, but I like to have the infos at hand even the watch is far from me.


Earlier I used which was a good collection manager for free. But they went down years ago and I lost all my infos there. I was quite sad. Since I use notion I make html export every month and I store it on Google Drive.