NATO strap mod glue and thread?

Hello. I’m looking to modify a few of my NATO straps and need recommendations for materials to use. Specifically, I want to try two things.

  1. Shorten the length of the material that holds the second keeper (the part that actually touches the wrist).

  2. Experiment with making 2-piece straps out of some of my longer NATO’s.

Yes, I know I can just buy different straps, but I want to do this myself, so I’m wondering if anyone knows what specific thread to use (thickness, material, etc.) and what brand of glue (preferably flexible and waterproof) I can use to reinforce the stitching.

It’s not easy to find an answer online or on forums with a simple search. I’ve asked a few strapmakers and have gotten vague responses or no response (for obvious reasons). Any advice? Thanks!


Most nato straps have a loose weave so experiment with small bead work to give it the American Indian look. You could do rainbow beadwork or thread in support of the lgbtq community. Leather frills for the cowboy look


Thanks for the comments and suggestions! This is all very helpful.


If your NATO is Nylon, Trim and melt with a lighter all trimmed edges, Use a coin to get a nice curve to mark before cutting with a sharp blade.