Direnzo DRZ 03V2 Eclipse Black (No date)

I bent* a credit card for this, please be responsible!

In my defence, I've been smitten with this Direnzo for a while, there were only 2 left & I'd had a beer (or 2 🤔)

On the plus side this purchase has prompted me to categories my collection

1 Inexpensive; occasion wear, gift, mod

2 Sell; you don't wear them, release that cash when needed (A useful reserve if you bend* your credit card on a passion watch like a Direnzo)

3 My real collection 🙂

*Bent/bend credit card = YOLO ing (You only live once) into a purchase without any idea how you'll actually fund it when you pull the trigger

Bad idea, DON'T DO THIS!


That's really nice. I'd be selling off pieces for that.


Congratulations good sir and welcome 🙏

Hope you love it. And bowl shaped dial is what drew me to the original kickstarter model 😍
