Casio calculator watch strikes again!

I thought this was interesting. The Joker in Batman The Dark Knight, is wearing the Casio CA-53 calculator watch. Pretty cool! In case you didnt know, this model was also in Back to the future, part 2 and 3,  Breaking Bad, Stranger Things, The Office, and the movie The Breakfast Club. Also Worn by one of the characters in Stephen King's, The Stand.   If you don't have one, try it out. Sits amazing on wrist. Came out in 1988.


Vision (in Wandavision) also wears a Casio calculator watch...


I always wanted one when I was a kid, but never got around to getting one, because there was always something else that I wanted more, LOL. For instance, my first computer, a Commodore VIC-20 😎 Yes, I am that old! 🤣