Fakes or Homages

Apart from the name on them… what’s the difference?

I know it deceptive and your only fooling yourself and ‘some’ other people, a watch is a watch, right?

you put it on to tell the time, etc.

So why spend all that money?

Because you have all that money?

(No hate, please.)


Thanks for a reply.

Yes, that can be bad if one didn’t know what to look for, but a ‘good’ fake, can sonetimes be reliable for years, as a timepiece.

Obvious by the price, though, most fakes would stand out to the trained eye, wouldn’t they? Clones are getting harder to tell though, so it seems.


Homages are one thing and more power to those that buy them. 

Clones/fakes, I have no tolerance for them or for the clowns that wear them. 


I saw a curious case of homage v. fake in a youtube video I stumbled across when searching for Parnis reviews. The reviewer seriously claims this to be an homage - looks a fake to me.

That aside, the thing shows a pragmatic (non-moral) reason not to go with fakes. The QC on that thing is god damn awful, and I say this as someone who has "finishing" very low down on their list of priorities.

Here is my point: with an homage watch, you still have a company making the thing and owning the thing as theirs, warts and all. Their reputation is on the line when the thing is a dud. Their brand takes time to build and is a commercial asset to be treasured. With a fake, the manufacturer is disguised, the seller  is some online seller with an internet identity that could be changed at a moment's notice. The product is a fake to begin with, how much of its function is faked too?