Arnold Schwarzenegger held at Munich airport after failing to declare expensive watch

“He cooperated at every step even though it was an incompetent shakedown, a total comedy of errors that would make a very funny cop movie,”

This is why I worry to bring my collection to Germany...


This is stupid af. I thought Germany is over these shakedown thing by now?


This is stupid af. I thought Germany is over these shakedown thing by now?

Of course, it is a civilised country ...but you can always find idiots anywhere unfortunately. I also had a bad experience at the airport n Germany but I do not remember whether it was in Frankfurt or in Munich ....oh, but maybe it was with that same guy of Arnold ahahah)...


Nah, they are still fairly thorough. I had my last run-in with the German border police last summer. It was almost comical. Even the Germans around me were amused. Customs has been a while, and my error was that I responded to those guys in German when flying in from JFK. They thought I had been on a shopping trip, and gave my suitcase the highly-detailed inspection.