Back to the mechaquartz again


Nice shot Dustin 👌. Have a good one today.


Thank you Tony you do same sir


Nice 🤠 one


Thanks Dev


The gild accents look 🔥 Dustin!


Like the Benchmade too Dustin :)


The gild accents look 🔥 Dustin!

Thanks Danilo


Thanks Dave


The explorer just goes good with anything. So does the griptillian. I got my edc para3 today. It’s just a perfect work knife for me. I need to get a griptillian though. I have really like sheepsfoot blades and thumb holes.


The explorer just goes good with anything. So does the griptillian. I got my edc para3 today. It’s just a perfect work knife for me. I need to get a griptillian though. I have really like sheepsfoot blades and thumb holes.


You got a perfect set up, I need to get me a Para 3. I have a couple of para 2s but I been wanting a 3 for a long time so might be next.