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6 days ago
Gwinnett County Georgia
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Q: How did you get into watch collecting?

I'm not really sure but I'd guess YouTube. Probably Ben's Watch club and Just one more watch

Q: What was the first watch you ever owned?

I had a Fossil back in middle school. But I bought a timex expedition after owning smart watches

Q: Do you have a watch with a particularly interesting story behind it?

My mother bought me a watch from a thrift store along with some watch repair books with the idea I could learn to fix it. But not wasn't broken

Q: What is one piece of advice you have for someone just getting into watches?

Buy what you like not what others say is in

Q: What brands have been getting your attention lately?

Yema. Squale. Isotope. Helm

Q: What is your grail watch and why?

Omega mini proplof. The dual, the hands everything looks so cool about it.

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