
Hey guys I’m just getting into the whole watch world and this question isn’t so much to do with just watches. So I’m starting and online business because I want to be able to buy the kinda of luxury watches and things that I like. I’m thinking of dropping out of school to do this full time because I’ve learned so much more valuable info about money without school and it’s really just holding me back at this point. The only thing keeping me there is being able to find people that are on the same kind of mission as me. So my question to y’all is: of y’all that are into the business world like me or even just in general, where do you go to network and meet new people?


Ethan, Welcome to WC. Unless you have multiple millions of dollars to fund a scalable business, I cannot stress staying in school enough. 99.999% of what you see on social media is fake and rented lifestyles. The “influencers” come and go with popularity, but the money is rarely there. Ask any popular channel what 500K “subs” really means…Nothing. Despite the fake YouTube watch flipping channels, it is not a successful business model. Couple other quick rules; Anyone selling programs on how to get rich, only have money because suckers keep paying them for advice (looking at you Grant Cardone). Anyone telling you they have an opportunity that will make you a ton of money is lying to you. Avoid those two types of people at all costs.

I have the privilege of having worked regularly with real millionaires and billionaires, they all have one thing in common, a long slow, burn to success, built on a career expanding decades. Show me a person in a Lambo and an RM and I will show you someone with a 500 credit score and no liquid assets. There is a reason most used Lambos are total garbage, because most of the owners cannot afford to keep up with maintenance.

Best advice, stay in school, find a good job with great benefits and start with 15-20% of your earnings in a combination of 401Ks, IRAs, etc. The difference in starting that at 20 vs. 30 amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars by the time you are ready to retire. 99% of millionaires became millionaires doing just that. It is not sexy, it is not flashy, but they do not worry about living month to month. You will meet and build a great network that way, through both your work and community involvement. You cannot build a network in any “get rich quick” circle.

If you are fortunate enough to start a business, awesome, cool, as long as you are saving along the way and have a clear exit strategy. A business with all lifestyle and no equity might as well be a day to day grind job for no money, because that is were folks end up after the business busts and they have no equity.

I know that is not what you want to hear and you can ignore a financial expert’s advice and you can prove everyone wrong, but just make sure you know what you are getting into.


Ethan, Welcome to WC. Unless you have multiple millions of dollars to fund a scalable business, I cannot stress staying in school enough. 99.999% of what you see on social media is fake and rented lifestyles. The “influencers” come and go with popularity, but the money is rarely there. Ask any popular channel what 500K “subs” really means…Nothing. Despite the fake YouTube watch flipping channels, it is not a successful business model. Couple other quick rules; Anyone selling programs on how to get rich, only have money because suckers keep paying them for advice (looking at you Grant Cardone). Anyone telling you they have an opportunity that will make you a ton of money is lying to you. Avoid those two types of people at all costs.

I have the privilege of having worked regularly with real millionaires and billionaires, they all have one thing in common, a long slow, burn to success, built on a career expanding decades. Show me a person in a Lambo and an RM and I will show you someone with a 500 credit score and no liquid assets. There is a reason most used Lambos are total garbage, because most of the owners cannot afford to keep up with maintenance.

Best advice, stay in school, find a good job with great benefits and start with 15-20% of your earnings in a combination of 401Ks, IRAs, etc. The difference in starting that at 20 vs. 30 amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars by the time you are ready to retire. 99% of millionaires became millionaires doing just that. It is not sexy, it is not flashy, but they do not worry about living month to month. You will meet and build a great network that way, through both your work and community involvement. You cannot build a network in any “get rich quick” circle.

If you are fortunate enough to start a business, awesome, cool, as long as you are saving along the way and have a clear exit strategy. A business with all lifestyle and no equity might as well be a day to day grind job for no money, because that is were folks end up after the business busts and they have no equity.

I know that is not what you want to hear and you can ignore a financial expert’s advice and you can prove everyone wrong, but just make sure you know what you are getting into.

Hi thanks for the input and I’ll definitely take a lot of it into consideration. However I have already met a few people that are making thousands a day from this same business model so I think I’ll still try to work through it. Definitely some interesting points I haven’t heard before and I’ll take advice any day though so thank you.👍


I’d ask for business filings before you make such a big life move. If they are not willing to back it up with proof, it isn’t real. In addition, make sure it’s not a pyramid scheme, aka, multi level marketing. Only the first two layers make money there off the suckers who follow. Then make sure it’s not a Ponzi scheme.

General rule of thumb, no one make’s thousands a day without already having serious capital. IE if you have a million to start, to make thousands a day, you are looking at a 73%+ return on investment. The greatest investment managers in the world do not come close to that. We are talking people who get paid billions. No one is getting those returns. Only the top 25% of all money managers beat the S&P. To get “thousands a day” on real market returns, you are talking a starting capital into the tens of millions required.

Again, not dumping on a dream, but the old adage if it is too good to be true it is. Just conduct due diligence and don’t be afraid to ask for proof. Once again, good luck.