Starting off


A watch while purposed to tell time is so much more. When I started off it was on a budget and simply watches of automation were not in my range. Finally a few years ago I purchased this Seiko monster. I did not realize the polarizing nature in our world on date magnification. I liked it anyway and bought it.

I hope to dig in the trench and get some grail watches soon.

In the mean"time" this one does the trick.


Very nice jump off point for sure. 0 reason for you to rush the process. What are the grail watches you have in site so far?

Also welcome to WatchCrunch Don 🍾


A watch is not about the telling the time, it’s about the times it tells. 🤣


Welcome to WC. The monster has a great history and I love their design language.


Welcome to the crunch my friend 👌