Watch hands names and watch hand styles

Watch hands names and watch hand styles - Watch Tech –

Watch Tech - Watches come in many shapes and sizes and so do the hands that tell the time. We’ve combined and extensive list naming most watch hands.

Watches come in many shapes and sizes and so do the watch hands that tell the time. We’ve combined and extensive list naming most of the styles and designs. Although they are just a tiny part in a watch, they fulfil the most important function even though some mechanical watches come without. So to extend or renew your knowledge we’ve put together this extensive list of almost 30 different names and watch hand styles.

Although several names and styles can be interpreted differently and sometimes simply fit within multiple descriptions. This overview is created as a useful guide into watch terminology and discovering interesting details regarding your watches. In the ever evolving watch industry it’s likely that this overview is never totally complete yet we try to put as much info into them as possible.
