A hot day in the Arctic

It's going to be hot today. Not terribly so but I'll still feel more comfortable with something tough on my wrist that can take the heat.

The Arctic MSAR is logically the best choice.


Tough? Marathon got you covered. It's 36mm of brawn that makes no apologies for looking the part.


The gadget on its right is something that I'm trying right now. It's a ring packed full of sensors that is supposed to tell me if I'm going to die.

Well, not exactly but it's got the heart rate and skin temperature measurements, it can track my sleep, monitor my movements, snitch to Google and send messages to your favorite branch of the secret police to report whom you met and what were you plotting together. It's truly has the potential to become the wet dream of any aspiring dictator.


It can potentially be useful for those who want to replace a smartwatch but I'm not really sold on this technology and so far I can't see how these features will materialize into concrete benefits. In the meantime I'll stick with the dumb mechanical watch which is sure to work and doesn't need software update to keep working.


Been a fan of the Artic GSAR (41mm) for a long time! 🎯🤙❤️


Thing looks like it can survive a bomb going off

Love it

How hot is it going to get over there?


Thing looks like it can survive a bomb going off

Love it

How hot is it going to get over there?

It's holding steady at +28 °C here, which is absolutely fine but in other places it up to +37 °C. I wisely decided to work from home today.


I wore my JDD to work today. It’s suppose to be +30 °C here for the next 10 days. Also the humidity will be around 60% during the hottest part of the day as well. Marathon watches can handle it easily even when it gets tough for us.