Mr. Todd took me on another walk this morning! It was COLD and he stopped a couple of times to take pictures. Get me back in the warm house! @benandwatch @SpecKTator @TyrogScot @Okavango @chunky @Stracerwatches23 @UnholiestJedi

You been keeping secrets from us. You went to the moon?! Is that why you stopped and took a picture with it?


Is this in east Iceland?


You been keeping secrets from us. You went to the moon?! Is that why you stopped and took a picture with it?

Mr. Todd say shut my mouth.

I say "what mouth? I have face, hands, no mouth!"


Is this in east Iceland?

Utah, USA


Utah, USA

Could be Iceland 👏


Mr. Todd say shut my mouth.

I say "what mouth? I have face, hands, no mouth!"


Were you talking’ about Shaft?🤣


I only needed to see the church and mountains be be quite sure that it’s Utah 😁 Unmistakable scenery having been born and raised there 👍


Great night shots Mr Todd. Loving MRW's little stories 👌🏻