Three showrooms in a day

Morning crunchers, play day in London today, visiting CWC, Baltic and Vertrex showrooms to purvey some divers….photos and a decision(perhaps with some requested Crunchers advice) to follow…


Fantastic way to spend a Friday 👍🏼


That is a GOOD day! Have fun, happy hunting & we'll be seeing the pics :)

MrJones also has a nice place in London btw...


Get yourself to Burlington arcade.


There’s a CWC showroom in London?! Please let us know what it’s like, I’ll have to head down there myself. 👍🏻


It’s in an army surplus store opposite Queen Marys Uni, there’s a small enclave with the watches. More functional than luxury boutique…though probably in fitting with the backstory


Store is Silvermans Mile End road