Going Stealthy 🥷

So last year I bought a few off the cuff watches fleshing out my collection but this year I would like to add something stealthy! A primarily black watch, a little colour like the Roue in the photo is welcome but not a must.

Sadly Santa forgot to leave that blank cheque under the Christmas tree so I'll set the limit at £/$500 to give me a fair target while not causing too much distress to my wife when she notices I bought another watch!

A few other rules are:

Not a G-shock, I've already got a 2100 Ninja.

Preferably not a diver as I've got 2 already and one of which is a Sideral.

Around 38-42mm width and fit this one I'll stick to a quartz/mecha-quartz and the like, I've got 3 automatics and I would like something that is a pick up and go watch, plus it makes it a little easier with the budget.

I'm interested to see what the Watch Crunching world comes up with.... fire away! ⚫⬛◼️


That's a good start, I like the look of that 👍