Samsung 16M Dram watch (kinda odd post)

Hey, looking if anyone has any info about this watch or how collectable it is? What about value? My guess is $20.

I only found 1 website where they talk briefly about it.

Asking on behalf of a friend whos family member gave it to him.

The person visited Samsung factory in 1995 and it was given as a gift. Its unworn.


This looks like it was selected from a promotional goods supplier. Companies browse a catalog and select items like pens, tumblers, keychains etc and then provide a rendering of the artwork to be used on the swag. This probably had the added step of Samsung providing the decorative computer chips used on the dial.

Most commonly these are gifts for employees that met sales or production goals or for customers who purchased products though I can't be of more help on this specific watch.


This looks like it was selected from a promotional goods supplier. Companies browse a catalog and select items like pens, tumblers, keychains etc and then provide a rendering of the artwork to be used on the swag. This probably had the added step of Samsung providing the decorative computer chips used on the dial.

Most commonly these are gifts for employees that met sales or production goals or for customers who purchased products though I can't be of more help on this specific watch.

Thank you!


If you can make out the text on the very bottom of the dial, it probably refers to what is inside. I can't read it clearly.