Sometimes simple is just swell

Back from some “dressed up” meetings that demanded a grown-up watch…which does “dressed down” back home so well too


Simple is great!


My favorite. Just classic!


Love that one on 36.

It was going to be my dad’s watch because I liked back in the day, when I was young and with no money. So I decided to go for it. Then I saw the prices and I couldn’t believe it, it nearly tripled the cost since I saw it, I couldn’t buy it knowing that… it’s the same watch! If I didn’t know the value when I was young, I’m pretty sure I would have bought it.


Simply the best.


A timeless classic 👌


The Explorer is just perfect!




So boring yet classic at the same time 🤯


It catches my eye everytime I see it. One of the most timeless beauties - stunning in any era, in any context.


Simplicity and exudes class.