Antique watch carries family history too...

I love holding this pocket watch. You can feel the history, and my family history when it's in your hand.

My Great Grandfather died in 1942...just shy of his 80th birthday. In his younger years, he worked for the Canadian National Railway...and this was his watch.

My Mother gifted it to me a few years ago...and now it is displayed in our house (see photo below). Research I've done identifies the maker - F.J.Tobin - as a watchmaker and jeweler in the town where my Great Grandparents lived... Tobin's obituary even notes him as the oldest C.N.R. watch inspector in Canada. We estimate my GGF bought this some time in the early 1900s.

I love the story behind any watch, but this one means a lot to me...


Great personal story. Thanks for posting.


Awsome post! Thanks for sharing this with us. Love the display set up as well. Cherish this heirloom for your life time. I wish I had an opportunity to get a family heirloom my self but the wolves came out of the bushes when my grandfather past and I didn’t get a single thing of his 😔