Bo.Tello,a watch consultancy for young newbies

Hey crunchers! I have launched a new adventure called Bo.Tello.

This is a consultancy firm that will work to obtain three main goals:

  • Help anyone to buy a watch recommending pieces based on a budget.

  • Talk about their watch or watches in general with anyone who desired

  • Possibly fix all watches that need to be fixed. Or even service them!

All of it FOR FREE, for now.

The web is in Spanish but I’m sure your phone or browser can translate it. We would love to know your opinion and if you have any request, we would love for you to send us a message through the page. We can understand any language!

Also if you could follow us on instagram, it would be great!!


Thanks a lot guys for your feedback and we will keep seeing each other!



If you have any questions, JUST ASK!

