Getting closer to completion.

Well, I thought I was finished in the first picture. How silly of me. I swapped out the black PRX for blue and I’m so much happier with it. It’s got so much more character and just looks and feels more luxurious than the black. Also got rid of the TiCTAC. Not a bad watch. I actually really enjoyed it, but the Murph is just much, much better. Let go of the Q chrono even though I think it’s outstanding watch for the price. I’ve come to the conclusion that although I love the aesthetic and overall vibe of chronographs, especially vintage/vintage inspired ones, I just don’t need one in my collection. I always wind up neglecting them for other, more functionally or fashionably appropriate watches. And my ultimate goal is to only have watches that I will often.

Still planning on adding a SARB035 and SNJ025 “Arnie” at some point soon.


Lovely collection!

If you don't mind me asking, where did you pickup that watchbox? Thanks!