Bad idea but..

I plan to sketch silhouettes of watches despite little to zero experience on it.. wish me luck I guess..?

(Yes, recycled picture.. I'm outside)


Organize your plans first. I will start taking formal design classes (if you cannot pay for them, check the curricula of the best design schools and emulate their pensum with YouTube free lessons). Get a formal mentor, there are many ways for that, including municipalities that offer that.

And then you can design not only watches, but many other ideas of your own and when they come out they will look finished.


Organize your plans first. I will start taking formal design classes (if you cannot pay for them, check the curricula of the best design schools and emulate their pensum with YouTube free lessons). Get a formal mentor, there are many ways for that, including municipalities that offer that.

And then you can design not only watches, but many other ideas of your own and when they come out they will look finished.

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll see what chaos I can create though.. won't be doing this in a long run since I'm not too interested in it :/

I'd say max 5 watches before I return to my interest XD