
Looking to get a timegrapher and was wondering if Weishi was the way to go (see that company more than any other when looking them up) or if there is another brand? Also is there website besides Amzon I can get one from? The ones on Amazon seem like they may be knock offs or poor quality.


I believe that most people use that brand. I don't have a problem with Amazon. Just check the reviews and the top right hand corner. The other option for you possibly is to download a time grapher app. They seem to be relatively accurate, free and at least you can find out then that if you even need a timegrapher as much as you think to do?


I have a small collection and a couple years back got a TG 1900. While it was neat, I didn’t see the need for something taking up room on my desk, and for as infrequently as I used it, didn’t feel worth the price.

Fast forward a couple years, and with some older watches it’s actually helpful to determine if a watch needs service. Basically put it on a few times over a week and check, once every 6-12 months.

But honestly, no, you don’t need one but they can be fun. As of right now there isn’t a great free or low cost app to replicate a time grapher. I do use an app called Twelve which manually lets me keep track of watches. Not as accurate but fun to track relative accuracy when you think of it.