38 yrs on & just look at that display, still as razor sharp as it was from day one !!!! and you know what, the build quality of digital watches in those days is, in my opinion, unbeaten to this day: the aspect ratio of each digit is just right, screw back, stainless steel case, sleeve around each push button & ... last but not least, the gap between each individual LCD segment is so fine & set at the suitable angle that the LCD display looks seamless & balanced. I hope one day they can bring those design details back into digital watch making...may be wishful thinking ? for now, it feels to me like digital watch making's last milestone was in the 80s.... it hasn't pushed forward since !!...by the way, all 04 push buttons are nice & springy and so too is the background light on the left - bright & steady, no flickering !!


What an insanely good vintage piece!


Indeed, in pristine condition 🔥!!


Great watch!