Some AI generated watch art my fellow crunchers?

So basically I just typed some watch phrases into an AI art bot and waited what it would come up with. Looks pretty cool to me what do you say?

wristwatch design sketch
watchmovement, mechanical, highly detailed, realistic
watchmovement, mechanical, octane render
watchmovement, mechanical, highly detailed, realistic
watchmovement, mechanical, highly detailed, realistic

These look dope, especially the first and last renders! I’ve run a few phrases through DALL-E 2 (current profile and banner images) but I’m looking into doing some more with Midjourney…what did you use for these? The quality looks superb!


Looks like a post HR Giger designs for watches for most of them. Nice.


Brilliant 😁👏👏


Pretty gnarly stuff. Got me rethinking that skeleton dial post….


These look dope, especially the first and last renders! I’ve run a few phrases through DALL-E 2 (current profile and banner images) but I’m looking into doing some more with Midjourney…what did you use for these? The quality looks superb!

this was mid journey