Happy Pleb-Life 👷


I really enjoy being a regular workingclass commoner. Some times more than others. This summer I have repeatedly seen and hear  about watch robberies and where there is safe to wear what. Podcasts, videos, insta and forums.. 

I think it's very sad that people can't wear their watches where they want, but it's not a new issue. I have been told by parents and alike, all my life: "Don't flash your cash, you might get mugged.." (And I live and travle to very safe places).

With the extreme price increase and the flex culture making everybody aware of the extreme value of some watches right now. Is it weird that watch muggings has increased aswell?

It's easy to forget how many people has it while surfing the web for wrist jewlery. Some people are in terrible spots in in life and/or feel no or little connection with society at large. And many of those people have little to loose.

Would you walk aroud waving massive wads of cash? Months and years of paychecks for less fortunate people? Seems weird 🤔 And those watches in question are the ones that has very high value and the general public are becoming aware of. And that is the point isn't it? Having a EXPENSIVE watch so that people know how rich you are? And what's the point if it's a unknown watch so people miss this very important fact?

It's a simpler life when you got a Seiko or another watch that most folk won't recognize and don't look like a million bucks ☺️ Sometimes it's just good to be a filthy commoner.


Nobody notices your watch, except for thieves!

(X) is just as good as Rolex, except in the recognition by street hoods category.

But seriously, this is why it's always Rolex, because they have been pushed as aspirational goods for decades. The underlings have to recognize the conspicuous consumption or what's the point? There are dozens of costlier watches that one could wear that are marvels to the enthusiast but wouldn't catch anyone else's eye. 

I could do a real treatise on the aspirationalism and how the thefts always happen in areas of stark wealth divides. It doesn't much happen to the "out of sight" rich. It doesn't happen at the marina, country club, tony estates, or Dorsia. It's almost always either street level drunk nightclubbers or upper-middle class retirees within spitting distance some rich/poor geographical fault line. 

But instead I'll say to be careful what one wishes for. Want to signal your success and be envied by others? You might just get it!


As the The Notorious B.I.G. says, mo' money, mo' problems