Murphy’s Law doesn’t mean that something bad will happen. What it means is that “what can happen, will happen.”


You might be joking... but actually Murphy`s Law is meant to be humorous and means/states - anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Changing meanings of words or phrases is very fashionable currently but can lead to distortions of facts and serious misunderstandings.


You might be joking... but actually Murphy`s Law is meant to be humorous and means/states - anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Changing meanings of words or phrases is very fashionable currently but can lead to distortions of facts and serious misunderstandings.

This line was taken from Cooper from the movie Interstellar (2014) when he explained to his daughter why she was named “Murphy”. I believe the message is not distorted but was meant to sound positive rather than negative.


This line was taken from Cooper from the movie Interstellar (2014) when he explained to his daughter why she was named “Murphy”. I believe the message is not distorted but was meant to sound positive rather than negative.

Sorry if I sound negative to you but if the message from Cooper in the film or yourself has been inverted then it has indeed been distorted to suit the aims of the messenger and distortion is the aim. Distortions can be viewed any way you like but they remain distortions.