93 bucks on sale, do I value the complication enough to get the real Pro? Time will tell.


Love those snowflake ❄️ hands and 🍊 GMT hand Britt.


Nice watch, I looked through your collection. You’ve got some spot on pieces, man.


A life time of trying to find the perfect watch,😂! Thanks for looking! 🤝


Love those snowflake ❄️ hands and 🍊 GMT hand Britt.

I could not pass up a whooping $93.00! Thanks Danilo!!


I could not pass up a whooping $93.00! Thanks Danilo!!



Nice watch, I looked through your collection. You’ve got some spot on pieces, man.

That true north of yours is sharp, I love this group I see so many cool new watches. You have some great ones also.