The kissing clock

Grew up looking up at this. Interesting story if you can understand the accent...


For my generation, there’s no problem understanding: We were educated by Byker and Geordie Racer. Howay man!


For my generation, there’s no problem understanding: We were educated by Byker and Geordie Racer. Howay man!

Wonder how much the Americans on here will understand those references. The very educated will understand she's actually not a Geordie!


Wonder how much the Americans on here will understand those references. The very educated will understand she's actually not a Geordie!

Oh no, I’ve committed a social faux pas then! A bit like when it is assumed that everyone from north, south or west London is a cockney and loves jellied eels!


Wonder how much the Americans on here will understand those references. The very educated will understand she's actually not a Geordie!

You’ll tell me she’s actually from the dreaded Denton Burn next!


You’ll tell me she’s actually from the dreaded Denton Burn next!

Well remembered! She's from Sunderland I think.