How do you treat your watch?

105 votes ·

E - Watches are meant to be displayed and/or secured in a safe, never to see the light of day nor the warmth and moisture of a dirty human wrist.


I actually don't bash any of them.


Unless I know that the watch is going to be severely abused, I just wear whatever have on.

In the abusive cases, time for a Casio beater digital


I don’t bash my watches. If I’m going somewhere or doing something that has the potential for harm, I have dedicated work watches that I wear.

If there’s a task I must perform that almost certainly would damage my watch, I take it off and put it in my pocket.


I don't abuse or bash my watches, but I use them thoroughly. The difference to me is that bash involves carelessness and aggression while use is putting a machine through its paces. The only watches I "baby" are vintage pieces, because having one of them conk out on me would be more emotional damage (not to mention a replacement part nightmare) than anything else. The rest see everything that they are designed to handle.