I'm out of the 1WC/gotta like a stopwatch

I forgot to post to wruw yesterday. Ah well.

Anyway, shout out to GW-M5610, I've always maintained it's a great watch. From the moment I opened up the package, I knew this was one of the coolest watch I've ever owned.

One of the features I like in my mostly digital collection is the (for me) pointlessly precise stopwatch. I mainly use it to time myself doing tasks and cooking. One of the advantages of most g shocks is the availing to run a countdown timer and a stop watch at the same time. Helps in cooking. I like my analog chronographs just fine, the ones I have are good enough, but quite a bit of time I like to know exactly how long my walk back from picking up some groceries has taken. You'd think the why would involve a series of deep exploration of one's inner workings, but if I start dealing with that, then I'll have to face all sorts of issues which would probably peak with "I only really need one watch." I really don't want to do that.


Next year.