Watch club Henderson or Las Vegas?

Does anyone know of a club located in Henderson or Las Vegas for watches or meetups? Just curious


Hey there, I’ve been looking for a while too. It looks like there used to be a RedBar chapter, but no one responds to the instagram account, no has it been active for some time.

I’d love to get a group together if there’s interest!


I am in Vegas. I would love to get a group together. I went out to San Diego last weekend for @HotWatchChick69's meet up. It was a blast. It would be cool to get something set up locally.


I'm down to meet up with people. Been emailing for a while when RedBar will be set up again.


I might be down for this. I’ve heard from one of the organizers of RedBar that Las Vegas is a terrible place so maybe they’re a little bit hesitant.


New to WC. Any traction on this? Would love to meet fellow enthusiasts